May 22Liked by elaine

This is amazing Elaine and really bring me back to our freshman year classes.

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❤️I’m happy you were a part of it!!!

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This is such a meaningful essay, Elaine, beautifully written. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.

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Thanks, Connie. This means a lot to me. I’m grateful I came across your post, too!

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May 20Liked by elaine

How insightful! What an amazing journey of sanctification you are on my beautiful friend and my beautiful sister in Christ. Thank you.

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Thank you❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks for writing this up. Hearing from students that a class made a difference to them makes all the difference in the world to professors.

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Hi! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.

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I found this through Connie’s link and am so glad I did. As a retired high school teacher, I really appreciated your essay. Many years later I’m still in touch with a few former students, but there are only a couple with whom I’ve maintained the kind of relationship that you established. Of course, I taught high school, so students didn’t have the luxury of dropping in to chat. AND I taught math, so the students who came in before or after school came because they needed help, not to sit and chat. Your professors were very blessed to have a student like you that cared about them as people.

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Hi Bonnie! This is such a sweet message, thank you! I’m sure those couple of students truly appreciate you. Even more than you may realize 😁

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Thank you, Elaine. I do have one student in particular, whom I taught when she was in seventh grade in 1968, who goes out of her way to stay in touch. In fact, just last week she emailed me to set up a time to chat on the phone, since she and her husband now live in Arizona and there’s a three hour time difference. We talked for over a half hour. Like you, she’s interested in her former teacher as a person. My husband had that bond with over a dozen former students, one of whom flew to NJ from California for Joe’s Celebration of Life after Joe died in 2021.

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It’s great to hear of these bonds you and Joe created! I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like you both fulfilled your duty as teachers!

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Love this perspective from someone in the younger generation. I was in university from 2005 to 2012 roughly and was an adjunct professor for a time (teaching English 101 and 102). I always enjoyed the interpersonal relationships with my professors and worried the younger generations wouldn’t get that—and would have a much less rich experience as a result. It’s lovely to hear that you had that and benefited from it (I did too re letters of recommendations etc).

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This is beautifully written, Elaine. You turned your college years into something much more enriching than most students could imagine. I came here from Connie's post and loved reading the two perspectives. I am a retired English as a Second Language teacher. I taught in Mexico, China, Malaysia, the UAE, Qatar and Oman. I was often the first foreign teacher my freshman students encountered at university. I wanted them to feel comfortable in class to grow their language skills. I loved my students and learned about their cultures from them as they learned about mine from me.

All the best to you as you explore and experience life beyond university.

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Hi Marlee! Thank you for your comment! It’s been amazing hearing from teachers that come across my post. You are all so important to us students! Especially you, having introduced young people to a world different from theirs. Im happy to hear it was a great experience for all of you🙂

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